If you are in Austin this weekend, come out to ArmadilloCon. The following is where you can find me. I don’t have a scheduled signing; just track me down in the halls, the bar, and before and after panels and I will be happy to sign The Sisters Mederos or any of my other books.

Hope to see you there.

Friday, August 3
Short Story Writing
Track: Writing, Editing & Publishing
Dantzel Cherry, Joe R. Lansdale, Patrice Sarath, Scott A. Cupp, Josh Rountree
Learn about techniques for writing a great short story.

Saturday, August 4
The Fine Art of Moderating a Panel
Track: Writing, Editing & Publishing
Marguerite Reed (moderator), Patrice Sarath, Tex Thompson, Barbara Ann Wright, Rebecca Schwarz
How do you get ready to moderate a discussion at a convention? How do you run an excellent discussion? If needed, how do you manage panel participants and listeners? How do you bring out the best in the people on your panel? Come, learn, and share ideas!

Reading – Angry Robot Authors Patrice Sarath & Lauren C. Teffeau
Conference Center
Track: Readings
Type: Reading
Patrice Sarath, Lauren C. Teffeau
Reading – Patrice Sarath

The Van Show Interviews Patrice Sarath
Track: Speculative Fiction Literature
Type: Interview
Patrice Sarath
Be a part of the audience as the Austin Public Library’s Van Show puppet interviews Patrice Sarath.

Interview – Special Guest Holly Black
Ballroom D
Track: Speculative Fiction Literature
Type: Interview
Patrice Sarath (moderator), Holly Black
Patrice Sarath will interview Special Guest Holly Black.

Sunday, August 5
FanFic: A Reassessment
Track: Writing, Editing & Publishing
Patrice Sarath (moderator), Rie Sheridan Rose, Craig W. Chrissinger, Gloria Oliver, Rhonda Eudaly
Fan Fiction has a terrible reputation. And yet, some very well regarded SFF writers have written fanfic: Neil Gaiman, Naomi Novik, Cassandra Clare, Lois McMaster Bujold and John Scalzi. What do our panelists think?

Writing YA: Advice on What Works and What Doesn’t
Track: Writing, Editing & Publishing
Jayme Lynn Blaschke (moderator), Ari Marmell, Patrice Sarath, Trakena Prevost, Holly Black
What are the key elements of a YA novel? What do we need to do differently?


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