The awards are in and the winners are:
Novel: The Yiddish Policemen’s Union , Michael Chabon
Novella: Fountain of Age, Nancy Kress
Novelette: The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate, Ted Chiang
Short Story: Always, Karen Joy Fowler
Script: Pan’s Labyrinth, Guillermo del Toro
Andre Norton Award: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling
Michael Moorcock was also honored as the Damon Knight Grandmaster. John Picaccio’s speech introducing him included letters from many many of the writers he inspired, including Neil Gaiman. Michael Chabon, in his acceptance speech, also honored Michael Moorcock and said he was a major influence on his work. He was also a bit of a starry-eyed fan; upon being told that Michael Moorcock had arrived at the banquet he leaped at the chance to be introduced to him. See? It doesn’t matter. We’re all fans.
Guillermo del Toro sent a letter of acceptance, read by Connie Willis, in which he asked whether he dared accept such an illustrious award: “Well, if I must,” he decided. His letter was gracious and acknowledged again his debt to the masters who had gone before him.
Michael Moorcock’s speech about SFWA was an interesting discourse on the history of the organization. Apparently one of Moorcock’s own literary inspirations, Poul Anderson, didn’t want foreigners in SFWA. Americans only, please! It was good to be reminded of the importance of the organization in its early days when it empowered writers and gave them some much-needed clout.
Confession time: I never joined SFWA. I never felt that three pro short story sales actually made me a professional SF writer, and so I just decided not to join until I felt like I really was a pro. I’m still not sure but I can say that Moorcock’s speech went a long way toward changing my mind.
Joe Lansdale was awesome as toastmaster — and Ardath Mayhar in her brief speech provided a funny story about how she overcame writer’s block.
All in all, a great night. Fun to be part of the Nebula tradition.