I’ve updated my schedule for 2013. I am going to be busy this year, with classes, conventions, and workshops. In particular, the Writers’ League of Texas is holding a “No Excuses” writing panel on January 17 at BookPeople. It’s free and open to the public. Join me and several other writers for encouragement and advice.

“No Excuses: How to Write No Matter What!”

Think you don’t have enough time, aren’t prepared, or don’t have the tools to start (or finish) your writing project? Think again. Come ready to share your reasons for not writing and let our panel of experts help you find solutions.

Thursday, January 17, 7 PM

BookPeople, 603 N. Lamar Blvd., third floor




A3 · January 7, 2013 at 6:10 pm

I wish I lived in Austin – I could use a good kick to get myself going … didn’t get in nearly as much writing as I’d hoped over my Christmas break (but did finally finish my murder mystery with the alien detectives and managed to -murder words-, I mean, trim it down to short story length).

I’ll look forward to seeing you at Apollocon and LoneStarCon.

Patrice Sarath · January 7, 2013 at 6:52 pm

Hey, editing is good. And you did finish a project so high five to you!

I also didn’t get as much writing done over the Christmas holiday. It always happens — there is so much to distract me from writing. But I’m back into my routine and making good progress.

I’m looking forward to seeing you as well.

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