A friend sent me this:

Obama’s Loss Traced To Patrice S.

I laughed. But I swear I’m going to be a nervous wreck up to and including next Tuesday. Thank God for World Fantasy Con.

 At least I have last-minute packing and such to keep me busy. Also a very special craft project about which I can give no specifics, except to say, I’m the least crafty person in the world and so it’s not going well.

When K was little and in dance and gymnastics, we moms had to make the girls’ costumes for the annual performance. Personally, I think the dangers of hot glue guns are underrated. And K’s costume was sort of kind of right. After that, K went on to other activities but I heard through the grapevine that the dance instructor gave in and had parents buy the costumes the next year.

I like to think it was my off-centered, badly glued, drooping tulle blow for the rights of noncrafty mothers (and their children!) everywhere to not have to suffer the indignities of homemade costumes.

Of course, that doesn’t help with my current project. Maybe if I leave it out on the kitchen table the elves will finish it.


Alan Kellogg · October 30, 2008 at 12:21 am

Why do you think the elves invented store bought in the first place?

Bethe B. · October 30, 2008 at 7:06 am

Store bought only works if every retailer in town and on the web has not completely sold out of the ONLY costume your child MUST HAVE for Halloween – except of course for the one place that does still have it, but has it priced at two or three times what everyone else was charging. Of course, after three nights working with felt, foam-core board scissors, needle, thread and waaaaaaay too much craft glue, you come to the realization that paying double would actually have cost less than making it yourself. (Guess what I’ve been doing with my evenings this week.)

Patrice Sarath · November 2, 2008 at 10:14 pm

Ah yes, Halloween costumes. Sometimes inspiration and expertise would combine in a sweet spot — even I managed to come up with a good Halloween costume for my kids every year or so.

And the elves didn’t come through. Elves these days, I tell you. But I think I can still make it work. When I do, I will post the results on the blog.

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